How to embody your brilliance as a feminine creator and build a gentle business online


There is a place that only YOU occupy, there is a purpose that God has put on your heart to bless your community at large. I feel like a broken record at this point as this is become a recurring theme, that is because I am passionate about seeing your dreams, vision, project come to life. We all have witnessed a shift in the way people do business online that is more relational and purposeful. For so long, business has been a man’s space and its masculine allure of success has been transferred to us women in ways that aren’t authentic to our feminine make-up. Our hormonal system and feminine tendencies do not align with the grind and hustle culture.

This allure of success includes inhibited ambition, self-reliance, independence; words that have been transferred to our feminine psyche. These masculine traits lead to a dormancy of femininity, where the nurturing, intuitive, and vulnerable aspects of womanhood are pushed aside in favor of a hustle mentality in order to appear successful. While this coping mechanism may be necessary in a hurt and failed society, it can certainly leave us feeling disconnected from our true selves and the beauty of our femininity. God has a special covering for us women and while that has been mismanaged by the men is our lives, God seeks a balance in the masculine and the feminine in every area of our lives.

He created us to complement each other but we have become competitors who constantly blame each other. Our education system, corporate work environment prepare us for this faulty mindset. All of these mess up with our hormonal system and the natural order of things. This is why in times of struggle, we rely solely on ourselves, but God calls us to trust in His strength. When we allow Him to slow us down, we can begin to reclaim our femininity, embracing the aspects of ourselves that may have been dormant or neglected. Consider the ways in which you may have suppressed your femininity in order to cope in life and in business submit it all to God, asking Him to reveal the beauty and strength in your feminine identity.

I am a beauty enthusiast turned award-winning beauty entrepreneur turned certified e-commerce business coach. I have been a beauty enthusiast since I can remember, I have always loved beauty the idea of creating a brand was a very farfetched dream. I started in 2007 my career in banking, a career I had idealized as child because the people that I knew who worked in the banking sector seemed to be doing well financially. I am not knocking the profession but I had to later understand when I could find the appropriate language to express how I felt that the whole dynamic, frantic pace, office politics and sexual harassment were not my cup of tea.

I made good on my enthusiasm and made the impossible dream happen after a few more careers choices and I launched my nail polish line nine years ago and I would like to tell you that it was what I had dreamed about and that all my expectations were met, basically the perfect fairytale, it was not!

When I started my entrepreneurial journey, I was excited about the prospect of creating something of excellence that I quickly suffered from overwhelm because I had taken the same hustle mentality and working myself to burnout. Post covid-19, the writing was pretty much on the wall I unfortunately had to close it my dream business. I suffered from a mental breakdown it felt like a big letdown, I had to realize that some dreams are temporal but more importantly that it was not a letdown but re-direction to a better version of myself and authentic entrepreneurship.

I have since authored the Creative Startup SuiteTM, a unique collection of business kits that allows aspiring entrepreneurs to build online businesses without the overwhelm and by avoiding costly mistakes that come from trying to figure it all out on your own. Creating the suite, building my website and blog have allowed me to share what I learned on my journey and in creating this I realized how much freedom comes from creating from the heart but also from sharing and packaging my knowledge in the way that I beneficial to others. So I want to pay forward with my now new found purpose as a solo feminine and introverted entrepreneur.

I am learning to redefine success and fruitfulness and design a life that I want, we have been taught to work ourselves into burnout, “be a girl boss” or whatever that means but technological advancements have made it so that women can make a living in the comfort of their home building something that they are passionate about without the overwhelm. One hard truth that I have learned is that running a business doesn’t have to hard, you just need the right knowledge, people and tools to navigate this ever-changing digital landscape and trust that God is leading you to an expected end for the glory of His Name.

That is the reason I am building a community for us sensitive and feminine creators, to allow us to build businesses that are authentic to us and not soul-draining. Our feminine essence is in nature creative, nurturing and expansive. The power of community exists so that we can feed off each other, grow to become better versions of ourselves and make money doing what we love. This is by no means a lazy girl business model, but a kingdom model where we do our work with ingenuity and grace. I am also cognizant of the fact that a lot of creative and sensitive women sometimes lack the necessary business skills to turn their passion into a profitable venture.

It feels so loud and disconnected, this competitive digital space can make it so that aspiring entrepreneurs often struggle to find adequate business knowledge, resources, the self-confidence and a place to showcase and sell their offers. The journey can be isolating, a lack of community and mentorship opportunities can hinder your personal and business growth. I exist to champion your creative cause and celebrate the unique treasure that YOU are! Sending you virtual hugs, blessings upon blessings! I will catch you next time!



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1-1 coaching with Ange Ingabire


I help feminine creators build heart-centered businesses online from scratch without the overwhelm! Click the link below to find out more!

E-commerce Business Planner


This all-inclusive planner is a wealth of resources of 70+ expertly designed templates that will guide you through every step of your entrepreneurial journey.

The irresistibly profitable offer kit


One of the key factors in building a successful online brand is having a product or offer that sells. The Irresistibly Profitable Offer Kit equips you with the tools and resources to achieve maximum profitability and certainty about your product choice and creation.

the client magnet & sales mastery kit


To thrive as an online brand, you need to master the art of sales. The Client Magnet & Sales Mastery Kit provides proven techniques, templates, and resources to boost your sales efforts.

the brand building kit


In a crowded digital marketplace, it’s crucial to create a brand that resonates with your dream customers. The Brand Building Kit empowers you to craft a unique and compelling brand.

the digital marketing kit


The Digital Marketing Kit equips you with the knowledge and tools to engage your dream customers effectively. Optimize your online presence, achieve your marketing goals, and gain the recognition and credibility your brand deserves. 

the ecommerce website builder and launch kit


Have everything you need to create a professional-looking website that is optimized for sales. You will get access to templates, design tips, and step-by-step instructions on how to launch your site.

creative startup suite


Starting your journey as an entrepreneur requires careful planning and execution. The Business Launch Success Kit provides essential tools, training, and resources to turn your vision into a thriving reality.

creative startup suite


A unique and systematic collection of tools and resources for the aspiring creative entrepreneur. It include video trainings, made for you guides, workbooks, scripts and editable templates that you can use to build your online brand from scratch and start making money in the next quarter!

Aspiring blogger toolkit


Blogging should be a joyful expression of your passions and expertise, not a source of stress. But the truth is, starting a blog can feel daunting, like where do you begin? This is where The Aspiring Blogger toolkit comes in! By providing you a clear roadmap for your next steps.

the podcast starter kit


Establish yourself as an authority in your niche with the Podcast Started Kit, I have assembled a comprehensive collection of resources to guide you through every step of your podcasting journey. 

the youtuber launchpad 4


From understanding the jargon to mastering the technical aspects, the initial steps to starting a YouTube Channel can feel daunting for a beginner. The Launchpad addresses these pain points directly, offering you a streamlined path to creating a professional and impactful YouTube presence.

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Your all-in-one solution to kickstart your content creation journey.
It is designed specifically for aspiring influencers and content creators, it is comprehensive bundle that provides you with everything you need to turn your passion into a thriving online presence; whether you want to start a blog, a podcast or youtube channel.

The SEO Success Suite


The SEO Success Suite is a practical toolkit designed to make SEO simpler, more manageable, and, yes, even enjoyable! I have designed the SEO success suite to take you from feeling stuck and frustrated to confident and in control of your online presence.

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