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7 Ways to Leverage your unique story to build a business that makes you money online


Each of us has a unique narrative, there is a story only you can tell, there are experiences specific to you, there are quirks and complexities only found in your personal saga, your unique story, and it is so uniquely woven in this vast tapestry of your existence. Every twist, every turn, every moment of joy or despair contributes to the richness of your narrative. Your story is a series of experiences, an ocean of wisdom waiting to be tapped. Pause for a moment. Reflect on some pivotal chapters of your life.

I want you to dig deep, identify those pivotal moments, and think of ways in which they are contributing to the success of the brand that you want to create and how its uniqueness sets you apart. I want us to discuss practical ways in which you can unearth the lessons, leverage your unique story to find your tribe, and build solid business strategies from the distinctive insights that make your story yours.

Your story is such a powerful tool, your personal narrative shapes your vision, values, and mission by providing the context for your entrepreneurial journey. Your life experiences shape your perspective and influence your choices. How do you assemble these fragments into a potent arsenal, ready to shape a brand that resonates authentically with your chosen audience?

This where you will build your hero’s journey, and use it to monetize your unique skill set, and talent, turning personal strengths into valuable products and services. You have to speak to the transformation, I will be sharing my personal journey and story in hope that it will inspire you to write yours. My personal brand is encouraging and is about helping people manifest their God-given potential and I do that through content sharing, coaching and community building.

Your story is not just a recounting of past experiences; it’s a reflection of your passions, dreams, and the impact you want to make in the world. Your story is unique, which makes it both beautiful and terrifying, and because creative living requires us to show up as we are, to have the courage to stand out and ask for what we want, what we know we deserve.  In the words of Dr. Brene Brown, “Creativity takes courage. Share your story bravely, for in vulnerability, you find strength.”

This process takes preparation, patience, and the daily practice of self-compassion; dealing with the incomplete nature of our work as we find ourselves in transitory places that force us to face our darkest inner fears. Sometimes what looks like chaos is sometimes a wake-up call, a way God uses to heal us from the wounds of our past. Telling your story makes you relatable and helps you connect with people with similar experiences and backgrounds.

It is the connection point, once people see themselves in your story, you won’t have to convince them to join into your vision, it will happen organically. Crafting your story answers the “why” behind your endeavors and allows you to communicate the reason for your business’ existence effectively to your audience. 

When your story aligns with your business, it becomes a powerful tool for storytelling and attracting like-minded individuals who resonate with your vision. So tune into that! So let’s build your story line and brand by highlighting key areas that are specific to you and how you can leverage that to engage your audience, the people connected to your voice and build an authentic personal brand.


“You begin to string words together like beads to tell a story. You are desperate to communicate, to edify or entertain, to preserve moments of grace or joy or transcendence, to make real or imagined events come alive. But you cannot will this to happen. It is a matter of persistence and faith and hard work. So you might as well just go ahead and get started.” ANNE LAMOTT

What sparked your desire to start your own business? Was it a personal passion, the yearning for financial independence, or the urge to fill a gap in your industry? Understanding your motivation will bring you clarity and keep you going when faced with challenges. I personally always enjoy seeing people live out their full God-given potential, given my experience as an entrepreneur and my skills in business coaching I have made it my purpose to share my knowledge and my mistakes to help people build their online businesses without the overwhelm and trial and error stage that most new entrepreneurs go through.


Your dreams and desires fuel your passion and drive, a research from the American Psychological Association highlights that individuals with clear, ambitious goals experience higher levels of motivation and satisfaction. So write them down, be specific and let them lead you to your chosen path.


What you bring to the table is extremely valuable, so discuss your strengths, your talents and how will you leverage them to build a successful business? My selling point is that I have been where you are, I know what it is like to build a brand from scratch, that is why I can relate to you from you on a personal level and create content that allows you to see yourself as the brilliant soul that you are. I essentially create content that I wished existed when I started. This is a delicate place to be as creator where you are not sure if you should started and how to get started in this very competitive digital space. My statement goes like this: “I am passionate about helping aspiring creative entrepreneurs take hold of the online space to monetize and showcase their unique talents, voices and styles and to build their dream brands without the overwhelm!”


The internet is a wonderful place where all talents are welcome and can thrive, so what expression will you use? What products/services will you sell? I have an array of offers, that vary in prices and in needs, from business kits to coaching services. I want people to feel seen and equipped for their entrepreneurial pursuits. So I made it a point to accommodate various budget and needs to ensure that I serve as many people as I can. I sell my offers on my website and promote on social media.


Consider the tools needed for your success, both tangible and intangible. List the resources and tools that you will need to make your idea a reality. Look at the tech side of things, the emotional and physical as well. Do you need a specific environment to thrive, make it plain.


Look at this venture from a holistic point of view, acknowledge and address your spiritual, financial, emotional, and physical needs. I personally want this business to be an outlet where I showcase my creativity, build my intellect, connect with like-minded individual and get a sustainable income. Discuss your needs in details, be intentional!


You need a strategic approach to your business fulfilment, ensure that you develop a structure plan and put systems in place to ensure that you achieve your desired goals. If that includes mentorship, training, hiring the right people, automating your business do that. I personally seek out mentors and I made sure that my business tasks are automated so that I don’t have to constantly repeat the process. Here you have it friend! Now over to you, use each of these elements to create a foundational roadmap for your new journey! I want to leave you with a homework:

  1. Based on what you have just discussed, would you say that you have built the self-awareness needed to tackle the challenges of building your online brand from scratch?
  2. Share a challenging moment that became a turning point in your life.
  3. What unique skills or talents do you possess that set you apart, and how will you use them to serve your audience?
  4. What unique problem(s) can you solve?
  5. Reflect on a personal achievement that shaped your perspective and equipped for the journey you are on.

Learn as much as you can and remain flexible and adaptable to all of the changes around you. Acquaint yourself with tech tools and leverage online communities to expand your network and influence. Check my 21-day journal if you need help putting into writing and planning ahead for the new year! To get started on your journey check out links provided below, you will find a wealth of resources to get you started on your journey, if you wish to book a free discovery session feel free to do so as well!

“In the tapestry of our lives, every thread counts. Take the time to reflect, for in the weaving, you discover the unique pattern that is your story.” – Unknown

Happy listening, let me know what you think below, rooting for you!



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