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Building Godly success and legacy in the marketplace as a feminine entrepreneur


we will start today’s devotional in Joshua 1: 6-8:

Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.  Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Joshua has the impossible task of taking the people of the promise land. He had waited 40 years to inherit the land, he had faith when everyone doubted God and now he had very big shoes to fill and a multitude of people to lead. God provides him with a template for success, to be strong and courageous, be faithful to the Word of God and meditate on it day and night. He is emphasized twice and as you can already tell Joshua was probably intimated by the task at hand and rightfully so. Even when you know God to be true there are times where you are not sure if He will really come through or if you are qualified for the task ahead as life keeps happening to you.

The mandate is still the same, to what God calling you to do in the marketplace, as a feminine Christian entrepreneur, the people you are supposed to influence and lead while the task might seem intimidating, trust that God will lead as He said in His word. Your work is to worship to Him, using the creativity He has given you to build something that will impact your world at large.

Set out on a journey where you will use your voice and your talent and steward all that God has given you for the glory of His name and your overall growth. Understand that He orders your steps and as long as you are obedient to His word and to what He wants to do through you, you will be successful. This is about building a godly legacy and thriving in God’s economy where you will never walk alone!

As you meditate on the word, highlight areas in which you need courage and re-assurance and bring them to Him. As God fulfills the promises that He made to you there are obstacles that you will have to face and overcome, you will have to seek His guidance and will on a daily basis.

The business He is calling you to build will require you to stay connected to Him and His word and to walk in obedience to it. This means that you answer to God, that He is your boss. I will be honest, I always saw business as something that I had to with my own intelligence but now the Holy Spirit is my strategy partner on this journey. Though we have to use data and common sense as human our wisdom and understanding will always be limited to what we know and see so we have to stay connected to the word to make sure that God downloads His wisdom in us so that we will act accordingly and lead people with compassion and vision.

As Joshua, You have the burden to lead yourself and people connected to your vision to an expected end, in a world full of turmoil and uncertainty. It is so comforting to know that we are not doing this alone, I feel a grace on this business that I have now because it is a God-ordained and led and though sometimes I make the mistake of wanting to do it with my own understanding I hit roadblocks that require divine wisdom in order to get back on track. So I want to encourage to seek God for this chapter of your life, ask Him what He wants to do in you and through you in every area of influence of your life with obviously specificity to entrepreneurship. Submit to His will and let Him use you for His glory, tune out all the voices that do not agree with God’s purpose for your life and follow His lead. There is great success in following God’s command, knowing that you are moving in the direction of His wind and power. As you build this dream, I want us to pray that God will guide you.

Let’s pray:

Father in the name of Jesus we come before you as we lay our lives, our dreams and our wishes before you for the journey ahead and for what you want to do through us. We pray that you will equip us and guide us that your Holy Spirit will be the strategic partner that shows us how to proceed and prosper, we pray that we will be good stewards of the resources that you bestow upon us and that we will use them wisely. We honor and thank you for your consistent care and kindness. Receive the glory and praise forevermore, in Jesus’ Name!

Be blessed friend! Take good care of yourself!



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