How to rebuild yourself after you have suffered a major life setback.

This is a time for re-evaluation and deep introspection to identify your blindspots and the hindrances that are stopping you from going after God’s purpose for your life. This is the work that I had to do to see my way clearly after a series of harsh setbacks. I had to recognise that the way I knew and view God were not in line with what God had for my life, I had to re-adjust my spiritual lens to see Him as He is not through the lens of my pain. So if this sounds familiar, I invite to take on this journey with me so that I share with you what God taught in my lowest season.

So in the next 40 days, you will immerse yourself in the Word of God and be challenged to look deep inside yourself so that it can heal the broken parts of your life and set you on the path that God has for you for the glory of His Name. This journey involves a deep and committed engagement with scripture, allowing its teachings to penetrate your heart and mind. This process is both practical and inspirational, encouraging you to apply biblical principles to everyday life while also drawing motivation and strength from God’s promises. So click on the plus ± signs below to consume the content of the daily devotionals and get the workbook by clicking the link below. Don’t forget to leave me a note in the comment section, I would love to hear from you!




I want us to unpack our history, the experiences that have made us who we are and in doing so develop a level of awareness that allows us to heal. I will be sharing from my standpoint but I am sure that are stories and experiences that will be similar to yours. In the next 10 days, we are going to do a lot of introspection and reflection in light of God’s Word and the purpose that He has for us. If it is triggering at any point, please take a breather and pray over that part of yourself that needs help and healing.


This phase is about identifying the moments or events that caused a rift in your relationship with God and yourself. Whether it is unresolved pain, unmet expectations, or moments of doubt so that through prayer and reflection, we will seek clarity on how these experiences have affected your spiritual journey and relationships. This part encourages vulnerability, inviting you to confront the barriers that have kept you from experiencing the fullness of God’s love and purpose. Together, we will lay the groundwork for reconnecting with Him and rediscovering your path.


In the Forming Stage, we focus on transformation and renewal, upon acknowledging your history and reconnecting with your true self, it is time to begin the process of reshaping your life in alignment with God’s vision.This stage emphasizes growth and the formation of new habits, beliefs, and practices that nurture your spiritual and emotional well-being. You will be guided through exercises and reflections that promote healing and empowerment, helping you to cultivate resilience and a deeper connection to your faith. Embrace this opportunity to reimagine your life and to build a foundation grounded in love, hope, and purpose.


The New Order where we will embrace the new life that God has prepared for us. This stage is about integrating the insights and transformations you have experienced into your daily living. It encourages you to establish new rhythms, priorities, and relationships that reflect your renewed identity. You will learn to live out your purpose with intention, fostering a deeper connection with God and a more fulfilling existence. As you step into this new chapter, remember that healing is a journey, not a destination.


Identify your blind spots

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24

Life has a way of surprising us, sometimes stopping us in our tracks. Whether it is an unexpected event, a painful experience, or a sudden realization, these moments often reveal parts of ourselves we were previously unaware of. They act as mirrors, reflecting our blind spots and character flaws that need attention, for me that was my mental breakdown.

In this passage, the psalmist invites God to search his heart, to test his thoughts, and to reveal any offensive ways within him. This humble prayer is a powerful starting point for our 40-day soul cleanse. It acknowledges that we are not always aware of our shortcomings and need God’s guidance to uncover them.

This is more or less a self-knowledge class, what I often find fascinating is how little we are taught about ourselves, our habits, patterns, triggers. These often have to be interrupted for God to bring new light to the broken parts of our souls. My breakdown led me to a dark valley that required me to review my life, heal my inner child and change the way that I thought about myself, God and the world at large.

Consider the areas where you may have been unaware of your weaknesses, areas that need His healing touch then ask God to reveal your blind spots and character flaws. It might be an attitude, a behavior, or a mindset that has been holding you back from becoming who God is calling you to be. A recurring pattern that does not allow God to fully move in your life, God knows exactly who you are because you are His, He knows what needs fixing, renovation, or plain demolition, if we would just LISTEN!

Remember, this journey is not about condemnation but about growth and transformation, God reveals our flaws not to shame us, but to heal us and lead us towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. As you invite Him into this process, trust that He will gently guide you and provide the strength you need to face and overcome these areas. Look at your point of origin and go the school of the Holy Spirit, the Wonderful Counselor seek His help in humility and abandon.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I lay out my thoughts, my experiences and my whole life story before you my Master. Look into the crevices of my soul and uproot all the thoughts that do not agree with your purposeful love for me. Help me identify the patterns, the blind spots, lifestyles that I have adopted that are not advancing your Kingdom and bringing You glory, I submit myself to you as the psalmist did so that you can search me, and in the process of being fully seen and loved by You I will live accordingly and develop that awareness that seeks to live a life of wholeness and meaning in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Take your power back

“Jonathan son of Saul had a son who was lame in both feet. He was five years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from Jezreel. His nurse picked him up and fled, but as she hurried to leave, he fell and became disabled. His name was Mephibosheth.” 2 Samuel 4:4

From the moment we take our first breath, we are thrusted into a world that can be both beautiful and harsh. Many of us have experienced words and actions that wounded us deeply, derailing our sense of self-worth and purpose.

These experiences can leave lasting scars, impacting our lives in ways we may not even fully understand. As a highly sensitive child, there were so many damaging words that were said to me that I carried into adulthood.

As children we don’t necessarily know how to process a lot of the things that are happening to us, and unfortunately the people who were supposed to protect us and provide us with the safety that we need to thrive ended up failing us miserably. But as we will discuss further on as we tackle generational curses and blessings, people can only give you what they have.

The story of Mephibosheth, is one that some of us can relate to he was dropped at birth and ended up crippled and destitute though his grandfather was once king in the land. But the unfortunate turn of events that were not fault of his own made it so that he found himself in a low place and crippled.

The words spoken over us, especially in our formative years, have the power to shape our identities. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that “the tongue has the power of life and death.” Words of abuse or negativity can lodge themselves deep within our hearts, influencing our beliefs and behaviors. Unfortunately the devil uses these experiences to make us believe that God is not for us and has forgotten us and if we are not careful we might invite those lies into our lives. In such instances we find ourselves in this vicious cycles that we can’t break but it is all a lie!

We also have the power to reclaim and redefine our lives by seeking healing and embracing the truth of who God says we are. In this passage of Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations,” we are reminded of a powerful truth: before we were even born, God knew us and set us apart for a special purpose. This verse speaks to the inherent value and potential within each of us, regardless of the negative experiences we have endured.

Start by healing your inner child, this process involves addressing the hurts and traumas from our past that have shaped our present selves. By nurturing and comforting that inner child with God’s love and truth, we can begin to heal and move forward. This is where God started me when He called me out to start my journey of healing, He showed me the triggers in my childhood that derailed me and blinded me to His providence.

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for knowing me and setting me apart even before I was born. I bring before You the words and experiences that have wounded me deeply. Help me to take back the power from those negative influences and replace them with Your truth. Heal my inner child and remind me of my inherent worth and purpose in You. Lead me on a path of healing and wholeness. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Growing up in an ungodly household

“The Lord’s curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous.” Proverbs 3:33

The field of epigenetics studies how gene expression is regulated by factors other than changes to the underlying DNA sequence. In relation to inherited trauma and mental disease, epigenetics explores how experiences, particularly stressful or traumatic ones, can cause changes in gene expression that may be passed down to subsequent generations. These changes can affect brain function and behavior, potentially leading to an increased susceptibility to mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This field provides insight into how environmental factors can have long-term, transgenerational impacts on mental health.

The foundation of our lives is often laid by our parents, who are intended to provide love, guidance, and protection. The roles of the masculine and feminine are crucial in shaping our identity and sense of security. However, when these roles are unfulfilled or disrupted through loss, neglect, or other circumstances and it can leave us feeling unprotected and vulnerable.

For those of us who were raised by ungodly men, we can almost see the suffering and the burden that ensue on our mothers and ourselves. A man who doesn’t have divine wisdom can not even begin to know what to do with his family. The bipolarity of the masculine and the feminine energies are not at play which means that the relationship is not ordained and does not have the blessing of God in it.

So a lot of us have inherited family pathologies and we have to do the work of breaking these curses to experience God’s best for our lives. But unfortunately, it does not negate the deficit that we operate under, I will go more in depth on generational trauma on day 7.

The Bible speaks to the importance of honoring our parents in Exodus 20:12, “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Yet, what happens when parents fail to fulfill their roles? When the foundation laid is faulty, it can lead to feelings of invisibility, or conversely, acting out as a means of coping with the instability.

As we consider, from our discussion yesterday, the story of Mephibosheth in 2 Samuel 9. As the son of Jonathan and grandson of King Saul, Mephibosheth’s life was turned upside down when his father and grandfather died in battle. At a young age, he fell and became crippled, living in obscurity and fear. His story reflects how a disrupted foundation can lead to a life of hardship and insecurity.

But Mephibosheth’s story doesn’t end there. King David, honoring his covenant with Jonathan, sought out Mephibosheth, restoring him to a place of honor and provision. This act of grace and redemption mirrors how God seeks to restore us, even when our foundations are faulty. Even if our earthly foundations are flawed, we can build a new, strong foundation in God’s righteousness and love.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I acknowledge the faulty foundations in my life caused by the failures or losses of my parents and the world at large. I bring before You the feelings of vulnerability, invisibility, and the struggle to fend for myself. Help me to honor my parents despite their shortcomings, and guide me in building a new foundation rooted in Your righteousness and love, restore and bless my life, just as You did for Mephibosheth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Spiritual abuse rooted in shame, guilt and manipulation.

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” 1 John 3:1

Spiritual abuse is a deeply painful experience, it occurs when individuals or institutions use religious teachings to manipulate, control, and instill fear, shame, and guilt. This abuse can distort our understanding of God and hinder our spiritual growth. Instead of finding freedom and joy in our faith, we feel burdened and trapped by legalism and false piety.

As someone who grew up in churches that only taught us about how God will send us to hell if we so much as blink the wrong way, the people who were supposed to lead us to the heart of a loving God taught us shame, guilt and hustle Christianity (basically the more you do for God the more He will bless you). But God loved us while we were still sinners, He calls us to light and heaven so that we can leave our sinful way and move into the kingdom of light.

Today’s verse is a powerful reminder that our identity in Christ is rooted in love, not in fear or control; God’s love is unconditional and abundant, and it is the foundation of our relationship with Him.

Religiosity, which emphasizes external appearances and rigid rules, can often create an environment where spiritual abuse thrives. People may appear holy on the outside while their hearts are far from God. This is in stark contrast to the genuine, transformative love that God desires for us, a love that calls us to repentance and grace, a love that helps us become obedient and holy.

So for those of us who experienced spiritual abuse, it is essential to recognize that these manipulative tactics do not reflect the true nature of God. God is not in the business of using shame and guilt to control us. Instead, He lavishes His love upon us, calling us His children and inviting us into a relationship based on grace and truth.

Identify the lies that have been used to control you and replace them with the truth of God’s love and acceptance. Remember that you are a beloved child of God, and His love for you is unchanging and unwavering.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart that has been wounded by spiritual abuse and religiosity. I ask for Your healing touch to cleanse me of the shame, guilt, and manipulation that have distorted my understanding of You. Help me to embrace the great love You have lavished on me and to see myself as Your beloved child. Guide me in walking away from legalism and into the freedom and joy of a genuine relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

An identity crisis and a strained relationship with God.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

The devil, known as the thief, seeks to steal our identity, kill our confidence, and destroy our relationship with God. He whispers lies that make us doubt our worth and question our place in God’s kingdom. This identity theft can lead to a crisis, causing a strange and distant relationship with the One who loves us most. I shared on day 2 how words that were said over me, I carried into adulthood because as life would have it those words were seeds of lies that became reality because I believed them, surely these were older people who knew more than me.

As it relates to spiritual abuse, or any type of abuse, there are seeds of low-esteem, poor self-image that are sown into our soul and because we were not given room to express ourselves we because immature adult scrambling for acceptance. The devil steals very early on because he knows that once he can make you doubt yourself you can then doubt God and became sterile in your thinking and in your walk with God.

John 10:10 reveals the stark contrast between the thief’s intentions and Jesus’ purpose, while the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus comes to give us life to the full. The enemy’s lies aim to convince us that we are unworthy, planting seeds of doubt that echo the serpent’s question to Eve: “Did God really say?”

These seeds of doubt can grow into a full-blown identity crisis if left unchecked. We may begin to see ourselves through the lens of our failures, fears, and insecurities rather than through God’s eyes. Yet, God’s Word is clear about who we are. In 1 Peter 2:9, we are called a “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession.” This identity is secure, regardless of the chaos around us. Your worth is not determined by your circumstances or failures but by God’s unwavering love and purpose for your life.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I come before You, acknowledging the chaos and confusion that have caused me to doubt my worth and identity. I reject the lies of the enemy and choose to embrace the truth of who You say I am. Help me to see myself through Your eyes, as a chosen, royal, and holy child of God. Strengthen my relationship with You and guide me in walking confidently in the identity You have given me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Emotional stunting due to lack of proper upbringing and conflict management.

“They have greatly oppressed me from my youth,” let Israel say; “they have greatly oppressed me from my youth, but they have not gained the victory over me. Plowmen have plowed my back and made their furrows long. But the Lord is righteous; he has cut me free from the cords of the wicked.” Psalm 129:1-4

Emotional growth requires validation and understanding, yet many of us have experienced a lack of these essential components during our formative years. When our emotions are not acknowledged or validated, we can become emotionally stunted, feeling like wanderers in our own hearts, homeless and unsure of how to manage conflicts constructively. This emotional homelessness leads to survival tactics that can involve attacking others to protect ourselves, rather than resolving issues healthily.

As an introverted and quiet child I internalized a lot of anger due to unfair treatment and as an adult it became a serious issue because as soon I felt like I was being attacked, I would respond with the most lethal words to obliterate what I considered to be my enemy who was being unfair towards me.

When I tell that the first thing to go was my anger, God was adamant about showing this destructive sin in my life and to uproot all the lies and that built-up pain that came with it. Listen we can either be whole or be right, these needs that some of us have for vindication may never come. The people who abused you are the least likely to acknowledge it and apologize, so let us bring our pain to God and trust Him with the vengeance part of the equation.

Psalm 129:1-4 reflects a journey of oppression and hardship from youth, yet it also highlights a powerful truth: despite the oppression, victory is not in the hands of our oppressors; the Lord is righteous and has the power to cut us free from the cords that bind us. This liberation is not just physical but emotional and spiritual as well.

God’s first act in our healing process often involves addressing our inner child, the part of us that carries the wounds and unmet needs from our early years. Healing our inner child means acknowledging the pain and validating the emotions that were once dismissed. It is about allowing God to tenderly mend those broken pieces and teach us healthy ways to manage conflicts and emotions. Invite God into those wounded places, asking Him to heal your inner child and teach you new ways of managing your emotions. I found my emotional home in God’s unconditionally love, you can too!

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I come to You with the wounds of my past and the emotions that have been left unvalidated. I feel emotionally stunted and homeless, struggling to manage conflicts in a healthy way. I ask for Your healing touch on my inner child, validate my feelings and teach me how to navigate my emotions with Your wisdom and grace. Cut me free from the cords of the wicked and lead me into emotional wholeness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Generational trauma inherent of slavery, colonization, ethnic wars, political instability, and dehumanization and ungodly practices.

“You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” Deuteronomy 5:9

If you are of chocolate persuasion you are likely to suffer on a macro level from the consequences of either colonization or slavery. All these from a collective consciousness that wants us to view ourselves as inferior though we are not and because they not only affect us on a mental level but also financially, economically and relationally; we end up committing to mindsets and lifestyle that are destructive in the long-run.

I am also cognizant of that the fact that race is not the only issue though it influences greatly on how we are likely to be perceived and treated in this world. As I alluded it in to the story of Mephibosheth, we all have to forgive our parents for their mistakes and decide to be the ones who break the generational curses.

Generational trauma is a profound and often an unseen burden, it can stem from a history of slavery, colonization, ethnic wars, instability, and dehumanization. These experiences don’t just disappear, they get stored in our bodies, minds, and spirits, affecting how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. The pain of our ancestors can influence our lives, manifesting as fears, anxieties, or even physical ailments as discussed on day 3.

We can not honestly expect people who lived through ethnic wars, homelessness, poverty know how to gentle parent and validate our feelings. We have to choose to see this dysfunction from what it is and ask God to liberate us from the mindsets and ailments that came from being dehumanized.

Deuteronomy 5:9 speaks to the consequences of idolatry and sin being passed down through generations and while this verse may seem harsh, it underscores the powerful impact of generational choices and behaviors. It is important to understand that this passage is not about a vindictive God but about the natural consequences of turning away from Him. However, it is equally important to remember that God provides a path to break these cycles through His love, grace, and redemption.

Idolatry can take many forms, including the elevation of money, status, or power above God. When we or our ancestors have turned to these false idols, the resulting trauma and dehumanization can lead to cycles of poverty and mistreatment. Yet, God’s desire is to break these chains and bring healing to our lives. By turning away from idolatry and seeking God’s face, we can begin to break free from the cycles of trauma and embrace a future filled with hope and restoration.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I acknowledge the generational trauma that has been passed down through my lineage. The pain of slavery, colonization, ethnic wars, instability, and dehumanization has left deep scars. I ask for Your healing touch on these wounds., help me to turn away from all forms of idolatry and to seek Your face. Break the cycles of trauma and poverty that have bound my family for generations and restore us with Your love and grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Birth order, favoritism, sibling rivalry, shame, secrets, abuse, gender roles, conditioning, objectification.

“This is the account of the family line of Abraham’s son Isaac. Abraham became the father of Isaac, and Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram and sister of Laban the Aramean. Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, ‘Why is this happening to me?’ So she went to inquire of the Lord. The Lord said to her, ‘Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.’ When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb. The first to come out was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment; so they named him Esau. After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau’s heel; so he was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to them. The boys grew up, and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country, while Jacob was content to stay at home among the tents. Isaac, who had a taste for wild game, loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob. Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. He said to Jacob, ‘Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!’ (That is why he was also called Edom.) Jacob replied, ‘First sell me your birthright.’ ‘Look, I am about to die,’ Esau said. ‘What good is the birthright to me?’ But Jacob said, ‘Swear to me first.’ So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob. Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left. So Esau despised his birthright.” Genesis 25:19-34

Family dynamics can be complex and challenging to say the least, the story of Jacob and Esau in this passge highlights many issues that can arise within a family: favoritism, rivalry, secrets, and manipulation. Isaac and Rebekah’s favoritism towards their sons set the stage for deep-seated conflict and betrayal. Esau, the firstborn, was favored by Isaac, while Jacob was favored by Rebekah. This favoritism led to rivalry, shame, and ultimately, a fractured relationship between the brothers.

Favoritism and birth order can shape our experiences and perceptions, they can create feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and resentment. Gender roles and conditioning can further complicate our relationships, leading to objectification and unmet expectations. These dynamics can cause deep emotional wounds, affecting how we view ourselves and interact with others.

In some instances boys are treated better than girls or the good kid is treated better than the trouble maker. I take issue in hearing things like this is the black sheep of the family, like how can you label someone with such evil words and expect the person to act right.

The thing that I didn’t enjoy as the first girl is how my mom wanted to turn me into her 2.0 version, how she burdened me with things that my dad and other men in her life should have being in charge of. Immature parents tend to burden their children and guilt trip them when they don’t act accordingly.

The rage in me wanted to stay away from everything that resemble her life because it is not what I wanted for my life, I should have been allowed to be a child and not be responsible of my siblings and the household at 10ish.

In this passage, we see Esau despising his birthright and selling it to Jacob for a meal, this act reflects the long-term consequences of unresolved family issues and personal choices driven by immediate needs rather than long-term values. Jacob’s willingness to deceive his brother also highlights the impact of family conditioning and the lengths to which we might go to gain approval or secure our place in the family. A mother loved one son to the point of pushing him to steal his brother’s blessings. If messed up was a situation this would be it but it is a reality of so many of us where we see our parents act like we don’t exist.

Reflect on your own family dynamics and the roles you have played within your family, acknowledge the messiness that has shaped your identity and relationships. Invite God into these areas, asking Him to heal the wounds and bring restoration to your family.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I bring before You the complexities and challenges of my family dynamics, the favoritism, rivalry, and conditioning that have shaped my identity and relationships. I ask for Your healing touch on these wounds. Help me to see myself and my family members through Your eyes, and guide us towards reconciliation and wholeness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The demonization of self-expression or artistic expression.

“Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.” Psalm 96:1

There are few things more frustrating and stifling than being muzzled, being denied the opportunity to speak, to be heard, or to express oneself freely. For some, this suppression extends to artistic forms of expression, where creativity is demonized and silenced. This can lead to feelings of invisibility, frustration, and a loss of identity.

God delights in our expression, I mean look at his creations! He created us with unique voices and talents, and He longs to hear our songs, see our art, and witness our creativity. Our expressions, whether through words, music, art, or any other form, are a testament to His creativity and love.

Continuing our conversation on spiritual abuse, I bet some of us had to go through a time where we were interested in a creative endeavor just to be told that it is of the devil with no explanation. The devil doesn’t create, period! He only perverts, so to say that anything is of him is a lie. The desire that you have to express yourself are only wrong if they are impure in nature and don’t align with God’s desire and purpose for your life.

When we are muzzled, it can feel like a part of us is dying, we might begin to believe that our voices don’t matter, that our contributions are worthless. But God’s Word tells us otherwise, our expressions are a vital part of our worship and our testimony. They allow us to communicate the beauty, pain, joy, and sorrow of our experiences. Consider the forms of expression that have been denied or demonized, invite God into these spaces, asking Him to restore your voice and your ability to express yourself freely and fully.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I ask for Your healing touch to restore my voice and my ability to express myself freely, help me to sing a new song to You, to create and express in ways that honor You and reflect Your creativity and Your love for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Viewing the world through the lens of pain

“For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.” Matthew 13:15

A hardened heart can create a barrier between us and the world around us, when we view life through the lens of past pain, our perceptions can become clouded. This perspective often leads to a low level of comprehension, where we struggle to grasp the true nature of our experiences and the motivations of others. In an effort to protect ourselves, we may engage in unhealthy behaviors as a way to avoid facing pain and accountability.

I spoke about my anger, this anger had affected my ability to understand, my worldview, my comprehension level. If you assume that most people are out to get you, you will miss the move of God in your life and you will attract narcissistic people ready to feed your confirmation bias. Even as God would want to heal me all I wanted was vindication and if I am being honest my need to stay Christian was more correlated in my fear of hell that I was about nurturing my relationship with God, I was bitter! The Word calls bitterness defilement of the soul. So how would God work in destruction?

Matthew 13:15 speaks to the consequences of a calloused heart. It describes a people who have become so hardened that they cannot see, hear, or understand the healing that God desires for them. This spiritual blindness often stems from a history of hurt and disappointment, leading us to question the very goodness of God which are eventually manifested in mistrust, causing us to distance ourselves from others and from God.

Yet, the promise of God is that healing is available, when we allow ourselves to feel and process our pain, rather than bury it beneath a hardened heart, we open ourselves up to understanding and growth. God longs for us to turn to Him with our brokenness, so that He can bring healing and restore our hearts to a place of softness and receptivity.

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, I recognize the hardness in my heart that has developed due to past pain and disappointment. I have viewed the world through a lens of mistrust, often questioning Your goodness and truth. I ask for Your healing touch to soften my heart, to help me see clearly, hear fully, and understand deeply. Open my eyes and ears to Your truth, and help me to embrace the healing You desire for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Performative and transactional relationships rooted in pretense and shame.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Conditional love manifests itself as a heavy burden, often rooted in perceptions of unfairness so when we find ourselves in performative or transactional relationships, we may feel the need to earn love and acceptance, leading to a cycle of pretense and shame. These dynamics create a facade that can leave us feeling isolated and unloved, as we navigate relationships based on expectations rather than genuine connection.

The aftermath of that is that we assume that God loves us conditionally too, I personally realized that the way I viewed authority greatly affected my relationship with God. If you have been treated harshly in your childhood and had to earn people’s love and approval in order to be loved then your view of God is likely corrupt.

God’s love does not depend on our performance or behavior; it is an act of grace that invites us into relationship with Him, regardless of our shortcomings. This radical love stands in stark contrast to the conditional love we may experience in our human relationships.

When we feel unloved and repressed, it often stems from unmet needs and a desire for truth and fairness. These feelings can manifest in unhealthy ways, driving us to create barriers in our relationships. It is essential to recognize these patterns and invite God into our feelings of anger, shame, and conditional love. By doing so, we can begin to unpack the layers of hurt and move towards healing. It is even more important when we relate to God to not bring the same feelings of inadequacy and feel like we have to earn His love to be accepted, we are already accepted in the Beloved!

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I acknowledge the ways I have experienced conditional love and the unhealthy feelings that has resulted from it. I confess the pretense and transactional nature of my relationships, which have often left me feeling ashamed and isolated. Help me to grasp the depth of Your unconditional love, teach me to embrace and extend this love to others, breaking free from the cycles of ignorance and conditionality. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Masculinized for survival in a hurt and failed society

“See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and he rules with a mighty arm; see, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.” Isaiah 40:10

We live in a world of transactional gain, where the masculine allure of success includes inhibited ambition. Self-reliance, independence are words that has been transferred to our feminine psyche. These masculine traits lead to a dormancy of femininity, where the nurturing, intuitive, and vulnerable aspects of womanhood are pushed aside in favor of a tougher exterior in order to appear successful.

While this coping mechanism may be necessary in a hurt and failed society, it can leave us feeling disconnected from our true selves and the beauty of our femininity. God has a special covering for us women and while that has been mismanaged by the men is our lives, God seeks a balance in the masculine and the feminine.

He created us to complement each other but we have become competitors who constantly blame each other. Our education system, corporate work environment prepare us for this faulty mindset. All of these mess up with our hormonal system and the natural order of things.

In times of struggle, we may feel the need to rely solely on ourselves, but God calls us to trust in His strength. When we allow Him to slow us down, we can begin to reclaim our femininity, embracing the aspects of ourselves that may have been dormant or neglected. Consider the ways in which you may have suppressed your femininity in order to cope submit it all to God, asking Him to reveal the beauty and strength in your feminine identity.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I recognize that I have often relied on a masculinized version of myself to survive in a challenging world. I have pushed down my femininity, believing it to be a weakness, help me to understand the beauty and strength in my feminine identity. Teach me to trust in Your power, and to slow down enough to embrace who You have created me to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The need to prove my worthiness and the burden of defensiveness.

“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.” Psalm 139:1-3 (NIV)

Carrying a “chip on our shoulder” often stems from a deep-seated need to prove our worthiness. This defensive posture can lead to a constant quest for validation and acknowledgment, leaving you feeling exhausted and misunderstood. When we feel unworthy, we may strive to gain approval through achievements, opinions, or even confrontation, believing that our value is contingent on external measures.

I felt less smart most of my life, that was due the fact that out of the 5 of us I was the only one who didn’t study exact science. You have to understand that for some of us who were born before the internet, excelling in school meant that you were likely to find lucrative employment. But eventually I find my way through college where God made it a point to assure me that He was with me as I was diligently seeking Him. He eventually made my dream of becoming a beauty entrepreneur a reality and I saw how that made people like at me differently though they would always made sure to leave a snarky comment of congrats, “we didn’t see that in you”. Now when covid-19 hit unfortunately the writing was on the wall and I had to close my business which drove me on this dark path and reminded me of the times I felt like a failure and how I will always be a loser, a whole lie from the pit of hell.

God intimately knows us, He understands our thoughts, our actions, and the very essence of who we are. This divine knowledge speaks volumes about our inherent worth, we do not need to prove ourselves to God; He has already accepted us fully. The pursuit of external validation or success often distract us from recognizing that our worth is not tied to what we do or how others perceive us, but rather to who we are in Christ.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I confess that I have often tried to prove my worthiness through my actions and accomplishments. I acknowledge the chip on my shoulder that has made me defensive and anxious. Thank You for reminding me that You know me intimately and love me unconditionally. Help me to rest in the truth of my worth as Your beloved child, Teach me to embrace who I am in You, free from the need for external validation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Struggling with unbelief, fear of consequences, and lack of investment in the relationship with God

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (NIV)

Unbelief creates strongholds in our lives, often rooted in fear and doubt, which is what I had internalized as I shared yesterday. When we begin to question whether God is truly for us, we may find ourselves stuck in a state of fear, afraid of the consequences of our choices, and feelings of unworthiness rather than embracing a vibrant, loving relationship with Him. These can prevent us from experiencing the fullness of His grace and love, leading to a lack of investment in our faith journey.

The biggest argument to me after my mental breakdown, is that I was never going to be ok, to able to live like a normal human being, but with the thoughts and arguments that arise within us, those strongholds that tell us that God is distant. These mental barriers can distort our perception of God and inhibit our relationship with Him. Yet, God equips us with divine power to demolish these strongholds and take every thought captive, aligning them with the truth of His Word.

Once these lies take root they become beliefs systems that ruin us as adults, if you were bullied you might want to show off hence living under the assumption that you are not enough and that you have to be look a certain way to be accepted. The vicious cycle become a way of life and ruin your perception and God best for you, analyze areas where you have unbelief and you will find the hurt of the matter. The bible calls them fortified arguments, strongholds. You are worthy and enough because God says so, period!

These are the devices that the devil uses to keep us low and bound, but as it is written in the Word, we don’t ignore his devices and we bring every thoughts in agreement with God, you are redeemed, royal priesthood and so much more. Don’t fall for the age old lie, did God really say? For it is written and that settles it.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I recognize that unbelief and feeling of unworthiness have created strongholds in my life. I confess that I have often doubted Your love and questioned whether You are truly for me. Thank You that I have divine power to demolish these strongholds, help me to take every thought captive and align it with Your truth. Strengthen my faith and draw me into a deeper relationship with You, free from fear and doubt. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Soul exhaustion leading to doubt and vulnerability to sin and spiritual attacks

“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:17 (NIV)

Soul exhaustion can leave us feeling weary and questioning God’s care in the face of life’s challenges. When we go through attacks upon attacks, disappointment upon disappointment, when burdens weigh heavily on our hearts, it is easy to fall into the trap of believing that God is distant or indifferent. This weakened resolve makes us susceptible to sin and spiritual attacks, as our defenses lower and doubts creep in.

When my business closed so did other opportunities that I had laid out for me and I was left with no income and that point in time I started to internalize feelings of resentment towards God. When you go through attack after attack there comes a time where you don’t really think that God is for you remember what we talked about yesterday, the more you entertain those lies the less resolve you will have to go after what God wants for you or even want to live in surrender to God’s word and purpose for your life.

The helmet symbolizes the assurance of our salvation, reminding us of God’s love and commitment to us. When we wear this helmet, we shield ourselves from the lies that suggest God doesn’t care or that we are alone in our struggles and we bring about the resolve to continue to follow God wherever He leads us.Take up the helmet of salvation and let it empower you to resist the doubts and attacks that seek to undermine your faith.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I come to You feeling soul exhausted and questioning Your care amidst my struggles. I acknowledge that my weakened resolve has made me susceptible to sin and doubt. Thank You for the gift of the helmet of salvation, which protects my mind and reminds me of Your unwavering love. Help me to wear it daily, finding strength and assurance in my identity as Your child. Renew my spirit and empower me to stand firm against the attacks that seek to undermine my faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Overcoming feelings of lack and insecurity regarding provision, especially in the context of financial struggles

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

Scarcity and financial anxiety are markers that make it is easy to adopt a mindset of lack. When life keeps taking away from us and we find ourselves in cycles of financial, spiritual, relational poverty it is hard to see the hand of God at work in our lives and sometimes we settle for that. But too often our faith is being tried through the crucible of life and we need to get back to Word and feed on it until we overcome.

As I said before it is not that simple, but this passage reassures us that God is a provider who meets all our needs according to His glorious riches. This promise calls us to shift our perspective from scarcity to abundance, recognizing that our ultimate source of provision comes from God, not our circumstances or our circle of friends and family. When we align our thoughts with this truth, we begin to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and trust, freeing ourselves from the fear of lack.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I confess that I often succumb to a spirit of lack, focusing on what I do not have rather than the abundance You provide. Thank You that You will meet all my needs according to Your riches in glory. Help me to shift my mindset from scarcity to gratitude and to trust in Your provision, even in uncertain times. May I always remember that You are my ultimate source of sufficiency. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Acknowledging and healing from physical and emotional trauma through the heart’s renewal

“My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.” Psalm 119:28 (NIV)

Our bodies often bear the scars of past trauma, abuse, and pain, silently keeping score of our experiences. The physical manifestations of these emotional wounds can lead to a cycle of psycho-somatic symptoms, where our mental and emotional states express themselves physically. Ignoring or suppressing these feelings may provide temporary relief but ultimately leads to deeper heartache.

I have suffered from various ailments due the fact that I didn’t manage my crisis the right way, that is to bring my pain to God instead I internalized it until my body could not take anymore and I saw myself going through a mental breakdown, panic attacks, insomnia, hormonal imbalance, weight gain just to name a few. There is a direct correlation between most of our diseases and trauma. Trauma being an emotional response to abuse is seldom well managed, since it takes us time to even know and acknowledge what we have been through.

You don’t have to be strong, you can find a healthy way to deal with your pain, like I no longer let things slide or let people abuse me. It is somewhat rewarded to take the high road while I agree with that to some degree I no longer let anyone abuse me or belittle me while I believe that the vengeance is the Lord’s, I have made it my mission to sanitize my space and no let anyone bring me down, I have decided to love some people from afar for the sake of my sanity.

Psalm 119:28 speaks to the weariness of the soul, recognizing that sorrow can be heavy and burdensome. Yet, God offers us a path to healing through His Word, inviting us to let our hearts break open instead of closed. When we allow ourselves to feel and express our pain, we create space for healing and renewal. God desires to strengthen us, not just in our minds but in our hearts and bodies as well.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I recognize that my body keeps score of the pain and trauma I have experienced. I confess that I have often tried to suppress these feelings, thinking it might protect me. Thank You that I can turn to You for strength, help me to let my heart break open and to process my pain with You. Heal me, Lord, and teach me to relearn my heart in a way that leads to true restoration. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Recognizing and healing from negative thought patterns and self-sabotaging behaviors

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.” Psalm 51:1 (NIV)

When we find ourselves caught in a cycle of self-sabotage, it often stems from a place of fear, fear of making mistakes, fear of judgment, ridicule, rejection and a pervasive sense of inadequacy. These traits can distort our self-image and prevent us from living fully and authentically.

I am a self-saboteur par excellence, that dysfunctional traits stems from my fear of believing that God things can happen to me so I sabotage them to feed my confirmation bias, as God is doing the work of healing in me He has shown some of my toxic traits such as catastrophizing, body dysmorphia, and indecision which have created barriers to my emotional and spiritual well-being.

Instead of succumbing to shame or hiding behind our toxic traits, we can seek His mercy and healing. Acknowledging our struggles is the first step toward transformation, allowing God to work within us and replace our negative patterns with His grace and truth.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I come to You with my toxic traits, my tendency to catastrophize, my struggles with self-image, and my fear of rejection. I ask for Your mercy as I recognize how these patterns have held me back. Thank You for Your unfailing love and compassion, help me to release these toxic traits and to trust in Your process of healing. May I find strength in Your love as I learn to embrace who You created me to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Breaking free from the vicious cycle

“I am forgotten, forgotten by the living; I am like a strong man without strength.” Psalm 88:5 (NIV)


As discussed yesterday, the vicious cycle of self-sabotage can leave us feeling trapped and exhausted, as we oscillate between disobedience and the fleeting pursuit of pleasure. In our attempts to survive, we may find temporary relief in unhealthy habits or choices, yet these often lead us deeper into feelings of emptiness and despair. This cycle can rob us of the joy and purpose that God intends for us.

I don’t need to tell you that in this age of social media, facades matter more than authenticity, the cognitive dissonance is literally unbearable to watch at this point. We perform for people who don’t know us, care for us, we want to impress people so that we can feel worthy and unfortunately our Christian churches and circles called the modern day idol of materialism, blessings! Like you are only blessed if you have things that you can flex online, there is now a saying: it hasn’t happened if it is not on social media.

I say all this so say that healing and authenticity is inside work that God does in it that require no audience, something you need to spend alone with God so He can tell you who you and what He has called you here to do because if you don’t, this will feel like a hamster wheel and you will be exhausted because you are running in vain, chasing in the wind in the words of the Ecclesiastes.

While it can be tempting to ignore our toxic emotions or mask them with superficial pleasures, true healing begins when we confront the underlying issues that drive our dysfunctional habits. Let God in into these struggles, seeking His strength and guidance to break free from these patterns and break this vicious cycle once and for all.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I recognize that I have fallen into a vicious cycle of self-sabotage, seeking pleasure but ultimately feeling exhausted and unfulfilled. Help me to confront the choices that lead me away from Your purpose and strength. I ask for Your guidance in breaking free from these patterns and moving toward a life filled with joy and fulfillment in You. Strengthen me, Lord, to choose obedience over disobedience. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Embracing the crucible of self-refinement and the death of the ego through full reliance on God

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 (NIV)

The journey through the valleys of life can often feel daunting, especially when faced with challenges that require the death of our ego and the shedding of old, unhealthy patterns. In these crucibles, where we confront our fears and impurities, we have the opportunity to rely solely on God. Psalm 23:4 reassures us that even in our darkest moments, we are not alone; God’s presence offers comfort and strength.

One night when I felt like it was the end, I recited the words of Psalms 23, as I felt my body failing me, being in constant faint state and of heaviness; The Lord reminded me that He was me in this dark valley with the assurance that all will be well. He was preparing a table before me in the presence of depression, low self-esteem, unbelief, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, unforgiveness and that will watch me eat at the table of my King.

Walking through the valley means confronting the parts of ourselves that hinder our spiritual growth, this process may feel uncomfortable, like going through fire, but it is essential for purifying our hearts and transforming our character. When we allow God to refine us, we emerge stronger and more aligned with His will.


Heavenly Father, as I navigate the valleys of life, I recognize the need for self-refinement and the death of my ego. Thank You for the comfort and guidance, reminding me that I am never alone in my darkest moments. Help me to rely on You fully and to embrace the challenges that purify my heart. Strengthen me to let go of pride and fear, allowing Your Spirit to work within me. May I emerge from this crucible renewed and transformed in Your likeness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


It was a temporary Blessing: Recognizing the difference between fleeting miracles and lasting destiny

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NIV)

In our pursuit of blessings, it is easy to become obsessed with the success that is likely to ensue that sometimes we fail to realize that some blessings are temporal, while mistaking them for our ultimate destiny.

These fleeting moments of achievement can become idols, distracting us from the deeper calling God has for our lives. While miracles can be a part of our journey, they should never overshadow the profound work God is doing within us. When it was time for me to close my dream business, instead of taking the time to thank God for the opportunity and heed the lessons I hang on to it and had the meltdown when I came to the realization that it was over.

God is orchestrating every aspect of our lives for good, working toward His greater purpose. This perspective encourages us to seek lasting transformation rather than merely chasing temporary blessings. When we desire to be made well, it is essential to understand that true healing and success come from aligning our hearts with God’s will and embracing His divine purpose. I thank God for my temporary blessings and the lessons that I have learned from it making me now a better coach and a more compassionate person, because his ultimate plan for us and promises will all things together for our good.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the blessings and miracles in my life, help me to see beyond the temporary and to recognize Your hand at work in all things. Thank You that You are working for my good according to Your purpose. Show me where I may have placed my focus on fleeting successes rather than on You. I desire to be made whole and to fulfill the destiny You have for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Embracing your unique journey and identity in God, even amidst transition

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

Each of us is uniquely designed by God, we are His handiwork, created not only for existence but for meaningful contributions to the world around us. When we say that God is holy we don’t only refer to the purity of His character but also the uniqueness of who He is! With that knowledge we also understand that we are uniquely designed for a given purpose that we must seek God for.

However, the journey of self-discovery and fulfilling our purpose often involves navigating transitions that can feel uncomfortable and unpredictable. It might take years before you become who God called you to be, but this is usually the consequences of living in a society that praises conformity above all else.

It is normal to seek comfort and stability, yet God may lead you into seasons of change to shape you into who He intends for you to become. Rather than resisting these transitions, ask God to reveal the aspects of your identity He is cultivating.

Understanding who you are becoming can empower you to embrace change and harness the potential within you and manage uncertainty with confidence. So if He is taking you through the wilderness understand that He is purging the part of you that may hinder the purpose He has for you. Take heart and patiently seek the unveiling of God’s purpose and revelation for your life.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for creating me uniquely and for the purpose You have for my life. Help me to embrace the journey of becoming who You designed me to be, even when it feels uncomfortable. I am Your handiwork, created for good works, show me the gifts and strengths You have placed within me, and guide me through the transitions that shape my identity. May I trust in Your unpredictable ways and find joy in the journey. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Finding balance and sufficiency through the pruning process

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” John 15:1-2

The process of pruning can often feel like a painful place of pressure that nevertheless, leads to transformation. Just as a vine is pruned to enhance its fruitfulness, God uses the challenges and changes in our lives to shape us into who He desires us to be. This pruning process can help us recognize that we have always been enough in His eyes.

When I sat in the place of so much despair, I had to understand that God was crushing the part of me that needed healing. The healing is as painful as the recovery because each process requires a level of dying to one’s self and discovering on the other side, the beauty of becoming in the likeness of our Lord Jesus. The bible says that it pleased God to crush Him, but it didn’t end there, He rose from the dead and sat on the right hand of God ever interceding for us.

When we allow God to prune away the unnecessary aspects of our lives, we create space for greater balance and growth. It is in this pruning that we often find our true selves and the life that God has intended for us. Let the impurities be washed by the blood of Jesus.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for being the gardener in my life, pruning me to bring out my full potential. Help me to embrace the winepress moments that feel challenging, trusting that You are shaping me for greater fruitfulness. Thank You for reminding me that I am enough because I am connected to You. As You prune me, guide me to find balance and purpose in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Understanding our sinful nature while preparing for our calling

“Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.” Lamentations 3:40 (NIV)

Self-knowledge is a vital step in recognizing our calling and preparing for the journey ahead. As we engage in honest reflection, we confront the conundrum of our sinful nature, acknowledging the internal struggles that often pull us away from God’s purpose. I often feel like a yoyo Christian, one day I praise one day I lament or do both in a day or so. If you recall what we discussed on day 1, you will realize that for all of us self-knowledge is simply not optional if we want to mature in our walk with God. We can’t keep lying to ourselves and have blinders when it comes to doing the internal work that is required to grow in faith.

There is a tension we experience as we wrestle with our sinful inclinations, this conflict is a universal human experience, but it can also serve as a catalyst for deeper self-awareness and growth. By confronting our sinful nature, we can better understand the areas in which we need God’s grace and guidance.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of self-knowledge and the opportunity to examine my ways. Help me to confront the sinful nature within me, I desire to return to You and align my heart with Your will. Grant me the courage to face my weaknesses and to seek Your grace in overcoming them. As I prepare for my calling, may I be strengthened and guided by Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Responding to God’s calling through personal revelation and obedience

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one cried to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!” And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke. So I said: “Woe is me, for I am [a]undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts.” Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar.  And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah 6: 1-8

We see a powerful vision of God’s holiness and majesty, which leads to the prophet Isaiah’s profound sense of calling and in him receiving the calling of becoming the messianic prophet. It comes to him after a terrifying death had occurred and this man was pondering about his own fate and faith in God. I don’t know what event in your life that has prompted a great revelation of God for you, what I know to be true is that these low places introduce us to the Great God, the Master of the Universe and set us on a unique path as per His divine intent. When we encounter God in this way, we begin to understand who He is and what He wants to accomplish through us.

Isaiah’s response, “Here am I. Send me!” reflects the heart of obedience that comes from recognizing God’s sovereignty and purpose. When God calls us, He often reveals not just our identity but also the tasks He has for us. This requires a willingness to step out in faith and trust Him for the journey ahead, a journey of uncertainty.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of personal revelation. Like Isaiah, I desire to see You high and exalted, understanding Your holiness and purpose. Help me to recognize how You are calling me to serve and to respond with obedience. May I have the courage to say, “Here am I. Send me!” as I trust in Your plans for my life. Guide me as I seek to fulfill the calling You have placed on my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Embracing true repentance and choosing the path of life through forgiveness

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV)

Forgiveness is a powerful act of grace that requires true repentance and a willingness to let go of offenses. When we choose to forgive, we release the burden of resentment and the desire for revenge, opening ourselves to God’s best for our lives. Matthew 6 reminds us that our forgiveness of others is intricately linked to our own experience of God’s forgiveness.

I want you to take the time to forgive all who have offended you, forgive yourself for all your poor choices. I don’t believe we can fully walk in our fullness if we don’t let go of the people who harmed us and sometimes those people are us.

Now this is not by no stretch of the imagination easy, it will not happen overnight it is a daily choice to forgive every day and to not seek vengeance for ourselves. There is nothing more heart wrenching than being abused and treated unfairly but we should trust God with the vengeance part because He has a fair balance, He will repay back in full!

We are called to trust in God’s justice and leave vengeance in His capable hands, this act of surrender allows us to choose life, letting go of the heaviness of built-up resentment and embracing the freedom that comes with forgiveness. Travel light friends, let go and let God!

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of forgiveness and the grace You extend to me. Help me to embrace true repentance and to let go of any offenses I have been holding onto. Teach me to choose life by forgiving those who have wronged me, trusting that You will handle justice according to Your will. May I find freedom in forgiving and experience the fullness of Your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Finding peace in stillness and surrender through self-compassion

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the [
b]midst of the sea; Though its waters roar and be troubled, Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah

There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be [d]moved;
God shall help her, just at the break of dawn. The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved;
He uttered His voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

Come, behold the works of the Lord, Who has made desolations in the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah”
Psalms 46

God calls us to pause, to be still, and to recognize His sovereignty in our lives. It is in these moments of quiet that we can cultivate self-compassion, acknowledging our humanity and our need for grace and be attuned to His gentle whisper.

Surrendering our need to strive can be challenging, but it is essential for spiritual growth and inner peace. When we let go of the pressure to perform or achieve, we open ourselves to the presence of God, who gently reminds us that our worth is not tied to our accomplishments but to His love for us. Practice surrender until it becomes your way of life!

Take time to practice being still before God., allow His presence to wash over you, filling you with peace and the assurance that you are enough just as you are. Embrace self-compassion, recognizing that surrender is a step toward healing and wholeness.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder to be still and know that You are God. Help me to cease striving and to find peace in Your presence. Teach me to practice self-compassion and to surrender my need for control. May I embrace the stillness and allow Your love to fill me, knowing that I am enough in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Embracing new life through the power of the Resurrected King of glory

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.'” John 11:25 (NIV)

The promise of new life is beautifully embodied in the words of Jesus in this passage of scripture. He proclaims Himself as the Resurrection and the Life, inviting us into a transformative relationship that brings hope and renewal. Just as He raised Lazarus from the dead, He offers each of us the opportunity for spiritual resurrection, a life fully accepted, seen, and brought to life through Him.

Embracing new life means letting go of the old and stepping into the fullness of what God has for us. It involves recognizing that our past does not define us; rather, our identity is rooted in Christ, who breathes life into our circumstances. This new life is not just about eternal hope but also about living each day with purpose, acceptance, and the assurance that we are loved by God.

It about allowing God to rebuild from the ruins of our painful past and to let His resurrecting power move us to a future ordained by Him and Him alone, void of strife and turmoil. Open your heart to the transformative power of the Resurrected King, allowing Him to bring you to new heights of acceptance and purpose.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of new life through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to embrace the truth that I am fully accepted and seen by You. May You open my heart to the resurrection power that brings hope and renewal. Teach me to let go of the old and step into the new life You have prepared for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Fulfillment through beholding God’s beauty in worship

“One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.” Psalm 27:4

Worship is more than just singing songs or attending church; it is a heartfelt response to the beauty and majesty of God. In this verse, the psalmist expresses a profound desire to dwell in the presence of the Lord, to behold His beauty, and to seek Him continually. This longing reflects a deep fulfillment found in intimacy with God.

When we choose to worship, we shift our focus from our circumstances to the One who is above all. Worship invites us to experience God’s presence, peace, and power, transforming our hearts and minds. As we behold His beauty, we are reminded of His goodness, faithfulness, and love, which leads to true fulfillment in our lives.

This beholding practice is the most life changing habit that will move you to a Godly perspective, the understanding that in this time and space all that matters is the glory of God and the counsel of His presence. As we behold His beauty we are strengthened to live for Him and seek beauty and purity in our lives. Real obedience and faith stem from the beholding.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of worship, which draws me closer to You. As I reflect on your Word, help me to prioritize dwelling in Your presence and beholding Your beauty. May my worship be a true expression of my love and reverence for You. Teach me to seek You with my whole heart, finding fulfillment and joy in Your presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Restoration and renewal through God’s appointed time

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten, the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm, my great army that I sent among you.” Joel 2:25

God is the redeemer of time, He can give you in the next 3 months what takes an average person to get in 20 years. When we reclaim our time we act in faith that acknowledges God’s promise of restoration. In today’s passage, God assures His people that He will repay the years lost to devastation and hardship. This verse serves as a powerful reminder that no matter how much we feel we have lost, God is in the business of renewal and restoration.

So pray to get back what the enemy has stolen from you, the other day I made a whole list of all the things that were stolen from me that I want back to the millionth fold. I ain’t playing y’all. This devil has taken so much from us, it is time to get it back!

The concept of “Kairos,” or God’s appointed time, encourages us to trust in His perfect timing for revival in our lives. When we seek restoration, we open ourselves to the possibility of receiving multiple portions of His blessings. God desires to renew our spirits, revive our dreams, and transform our circumstances, bringing beauty from ashes. So get excited!

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise of restoration found in Your Word. I trust that You can repay the years that have been lost and bring renewal to my life. Help me to reclaim my time and believe in Your appointed moments for revival. May I open my heart to the restoration You desire for me, experiencing the fullness of Your blessings. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

PART 4: the new order

Embracing joy through remembrance and childlike faith

“In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” 1 Peter 1:6-7 (NIV)

The journey of faith is riddled with trials and challenges, but embracing a perspective of joy, even amidst difficulties, allows us to recognize the blessings that enrich our lives, the blessing of knowing God. Each challenge is an opportunity for growth, refining our faith and drawing us closer to God.

Building an altar of remembrance is a powerful practice, I invite you to make it part of your daily devotion, remember what God has done for you to reflect on God’s faithfulness throughout our lives, celebrating moments of blessing and grace. This act of praise will feed in seasons of doubt, despair and drought they will remind you that the God that did it before will do it again; stirring you back to joy again.

I remember asking God why He performed a lot of miracles in my life but has somewhat in this life of my season left me dry, He told that He had to build credit with me because my faith would have failed had not known that He always comes through.

In childlike faith we have to remind ourselves to approach God with openness and trust, believing that His blessings come without the burdens of worry and striving. When we embody this childlike wonder, we allow God’s joy to fill our hearts and transform our outlook even when the pain is unbearable.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of joy that comes even in trials. Help me to remember Your faithfulness and to celebrate the blessings You have poured into my life. Teach me to embrace childlike faith, trusting in Your goodness and provision. May I build altars of remembrance to honor the moments You have enriched my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Embracing delayed gratification and the blessings of affliction

“It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.” Psalm 119:71

Building a testimony involves navigating through periods of affliction and waiting. Psalm 119:71 reveals a profound truth: that affliction can lead to growth and a deeper understanding of God’s ways. The psalmist recognizes that the trials he faced were ultimately good, as they drew him closer to God and helped him learn His decrees.

Delayed gratification is a crucial aspect of faith as it teaches us patience and reliance on God’s timing, revealing that some of life’s most valuable lessons come through waiting. Just as a seed takes time to grow into a fruitful plant, our spiritual growth often flourishes through periods of challenge. Holy character and habits don’t happen overnight they are built in the furnace of trials. So take heart and let the good afflictions of your life draw you closer to the heart of the Father, He faileth not!

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the lessons learned through affliction and the gift of delayed gratification. Help me to see the value in my trials, trusting that they are shaping my character and drawing me closer to You. May I embrace each moment of waiting as an opportunity for growth and deepen my understanding of Your ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Rediscovering passion and expression through the hope of your calling

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” Ephesians 1:18-19

Hope is a powerful motivator, igniting passion and creativity within us. Here, the apostle Paul prays for believers to have their hearts opened to understand the hope of their calling. This hope is not just a distant dream; it is a vibrant invitation to live fully in the light of God’s promises and purpose.

Rediscovering our passions often starts with embracing this hope, it encourages us to dream again, to explore the gifts and talents that God has uniquely placed within us. When you are rooted in hope, you are empowered to express your true self and engage in pursuits that bring joy and fulfillment.

Take time to reflect on the dreams and passions that may have been set aside. What stirs your heart? What expressions of creativity or purpose have you been hesitant to pursue? Allow the hope of your calling to inspire you to step forward, embracing the journey of rediscovery.

So I want you to take an inventory of your life, your dreams, your aspirations, your personal projects, lay them down before the Lord. I know that sometimes the hardest thing is to hope, when we deal with so much broken dreams there is little resolve in one’s self to keep going but I want to invite you to hope again to dream again and to trust God with the outcome.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the hope to which You have called me. Open the eyes of my heart to see the passions and dreams You have placed within me. Help me to embrace this hope, igniting a desire to express myself fully in ways that glorify You. May I have the courage to dream again and pursue the calling You have for my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Changing our appetites and trusting in God’s abundant provision

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.” Psalm 84:11

Aligned desires come when our hearts are transformed by God’s truth and love. When our appetites change and align with His will, we begin to experience the fullness of His blessings.

The enemy often tempts us with things that seem enticing but are ultimately distractions from what God has already promised us. Just as Christ faced temptation in the wilderness, we too must learn to discern between fleeting desires and the lasting fulfillment that comes from God. Jesus resisted temptation by grounding Himself in Scripture, reminding us that true satisfaction comes from being anchored in God’s promises.

Are your dreams aligned with God’s purposes for your life? Trust that He is not withholding good from you and that His plans are far greater than anything the world can offer. Embrace the journey of transformation and allow God to redirect your desires toward His abundant provision.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your promise that You withhold no good thing from those who seek You. Help me to align my desires with Your will and to recognize the temptations that lead me away from Your best. Strengthen my heart to resist the enemy’s distractions and to trust in Your abundant provision. May I be anchored in Your love and grace, finding true fulfillment in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Establishing a clear vision for your life

“Then the Lord replied: ‘Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.'” Habakkuk 2:2

Setting healthy boundaries is essential for living a life that reflects who you are and what you value. The importance of having a clear vision is that it doesn’t only clarify our goals but also serves as a guide for our actions and decisions.

Creating an ethos for your life involves identifying your core values, what you want to pursue, and what you need to protect yourself from. Boundaries are not about isolation; they are about creating space for growth, allowing you to thrive in your relationships and endeavors.

So work on your vision, the values that define who you are. What do you want to embrace, and what do you need to let go of. By establishing clear boundaries, you create an environment conducive to growth and fulfillment.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of vision and the ability to set healthy boundaries in my life. Help me to clearly articulate who I am and what I stand for, aligning my actions with Your purpose for me. Help me write down my vision and values, using them as a guide for my decisions. Grant me the courage to establish boundaries that protect my well-being and foster growth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Choosing humility and living one day at a time, the necessary humiliation

“Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.” Numbers 12:3

Humility is a profound quality that allows us to acknowledge our limitations and accept life as it comes. Moses is described as the most humble man, exemplifying the strength that comes from placing trust in God rather than in ourselves. If you recall his story in exodus 2 then you will know this guy was anything but humble, he had a short temper and took a man’s life but what we can learn from His life is that God took the time to humble him in order to elevate him. So if you find yourself in place of humble means, opportunities, please understand God is aware and that these are experience that are meant to shape you as the wo/man of that you are meant to be, God doesn’t waste any experience.

Humility invites us to recognize that we do not have control over every circumstance, and it encourages us to surrender to God’s plan. Living one day at a time helps us cultivate humility, reminding us to focus on the present moment rather than being overwhelmed by the future. It is in these daily moments that we can practice gratitude and surrender, acknowledging that God is in control and that we can trust His timing for the dreams and aspirations that we have.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, help me to embrace each day as it comes, trusting in Your plan and letting go of the need to control my circumstances. Teach me to live with a humble heart, recognizing Your sovereignty and grace in my life. May I find peace in surrender and joy in the present moment. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Rebuilding and thriving in God’s economy through faith

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

Faith serves as the currency of God’s economy, we trade in faith building mansions in glory enabling us to rebuild our lives and thrive amidst challenges. The power of faith showcases the lives of those who trusted God against all odds. This chapter illustrates that true faith involves confidence in God’s promises, even when the fulfillment is not visible.

In a world often focused on tangible results, faith invites us to look beyond our current circumstances and believe in God’s abundant provision. It encourages us to take steps forward, knowing that He is at work in ways we may not yet understand. When we embrace faith, we align ourselves with God’s purpose and open the door to possibilities beyond our imagination. He is the God of recompense and you can trust Him!

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of faith that allows me to see beyond my circumstances. Help me to trust in Your promises and to rebuild my life according to Your purpose. May I thrive in Your economy, believing that You provide abundantly for all my needs. Strengthen my faith so that I can take bold steps toward the dreams You have placed in my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Finding strength and companionship in the Holy Spirit during life’s challenges

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” Romans 8:26

God has lavished His love on us and predestined to great things through His Son Jesus Christ. We may feel overwhelmed at times or unsure of how to express our needs and fears to God. In those times, the Spirit intercedes for us, articulating our deepest longings to God in ways that transcend our understanding.

This divine companionship invites us to lean into the power from on high, recognizing that we have a source of strength that is greater than ourselves, that we are fully loved and fully seen. The groans of the Spirit reflect a deep communication with God, a reminder that even when words fail us, our hearts are still heard. Let the Holy Spirit lead you and you choose a life of surrender and wholeness, let Him lead He knows where He is taking you.

Acknowledge your weaknesses and uncertainties, trusting that God understands and provides what you need. Allow this awareness to bring you comfort and courage as you navigate your journey.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, my companion in this journey of faith. In my weakness, I acknowledge my need for Your strength and guidance. Help me to trust in the Spirit’s intercession, knowing that even when I cannot find the words, You understand my heart. Empower me with Your presence, and help me to rely on Your wisdom as I face life’s challenges. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Embracing God’s blessings for future generations and building a new journey

You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

God is a generational God, promising blessings that extend to a thousand generations, this incredible assurance invites us to build a life of delight and faith, rooted in the hope and abundance that Jesus provides. In John 10:10, Jesus contrasts the destructive nature of the enemy with His purpose: to offer us a full and abundant life.

As you embark on this new journey, consider how your choices and faith can impact not just your life, but also the lives of those who will come after you. This journey is not just about the present; it is about establishing a legacy of faith, love, and hope that resonates through generations.

Ask God to do amazing things in your life and the lives of your family and community, pray for your womb. Seek His guidance as you lay the foundation for a future that honors Him and reflects the fullness of life He promises.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your promises that extend through generations. I ask You to bless my journey with Your amazing grace and power. Help me to build a new manifesto that reflects Your values and purpose, not just for my life but for those who will follow. May I live in light of eternity, embracing the abundant life that Jesus offers. Guide me in making choices that honor You and impact future generations. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

True fulfilment and restoration

“But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

As we conclude this 40-day soul cleanse, we reflect on the longing for fulfillment that we all experience. Psalm 23 beautifully captures the essence of God’s provision and care, promising that our cup overflows with His goodness and mercy. This imagery invites us to consider the ways in which God meets our deepest needs and desires.

In John 4, Jesus speaks to the Samaritan woman at the well, offering her “living water” that quenches the deepest thirst. This living water represents the eternal fulfillment found in Christ, a fulfillment that transcends our circumstances and brings true peace.

So come to the well of His presence, inviting Him to fill your cup with His love, grace, and strength. As you seek Him, trust that He will meet your needs and provide for your journey ahead.

I want to leave with these beautifully written words of the song, “fill my cup Lord” by Richard Blanchard:

Like the woman at the well
I was seeking
For things that could not satisfy
And then I heard my Savior speaking
“Draw from My well that never shall run dry”

Fill my cup, Lord
I lift it up, Lord
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul
Bread of Heaven, feed me ’til I want no more
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole

There are millions in this world
Who are craving
The pleasures, earthly things of gold
But none can match the wondrous treasure
That I find in Jesus Christ my Lord

Fill my cup, Lord
I lift it up, Lord
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul
Bread of Heaven, feed me ’til I want no more
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole
Here’s my cup, fill it up and make me whole.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, I come to You today, longing for my cup to be filled with Your love and grace. Thank You for the promise of living water that satisfies my deepest thirst. Help me to recognize the ways You have cared for me throughout this journey. As I conclude this time of reflection, may I continue to seek You and find my fulfillment in You alone. Fill my cup, Lord, and let it overflow into the lives of others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


As we conclude this 40-day soul cleanse, embrace the abundant life that comes from being filled with God’s love and grace. Trust in His ability to sustain you. Rely on His Character and His Word in moments where life does not make sense. With each step, continue to seek His presence which brings eternal fulfillment and joy, let that heal you and make you whole! 

See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and he rules with a mighty arm. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.” Isaiah 40:10

I hope the little that I share here helps you rebuild your life, gets you closer to God and the purpose that He has for your life! Much Blessings to you and yours! May the Grace of our Lord Jesus be with us all! Amen!

Xo, Ange

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