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Embody your feminine brilliance as an introverted creator

embody your feminine brilliance

KINDLY SHARE THIS POST BROWSE CATEGORIES: ONLINE BUSINESS CREATIVE POTENTIAL FAITH & GROWTH money There is a place that only YOU occupy, there is a purpose that God has put on your heart to bless your community at large. I feel like a broken record at this point as this is become a recurring theme, […]

The 40-Day Soul Cleanse: Rebuilding and renewal for healing and wholeness

Ange Ingabire

KINDLY SHARE THIS POST BROWSE CATEGORIES: ONLINE BUSINESS CREATIVE POTENTIAL FAITH & GROWTH money This is for you, the christian who feels like God is calling you into a deeper relationship but whose life’s painful detours have weakened your resolve to go after the life that God has planned for you. This is a time […]

8 Effective ways to keep the creative juice flowing

8 Effective ways to keep the creative juice flowing

KINDLY SHARE THIS POST BROWSE CATEGORIES: ONLINE BUSINESS CREATIVE POTENTIAL FAITH & GROWTH money I have been in a bit of a creative funk lately, like I write down my ideas on let’s say content then I come up with more ideas but nothing really materializes because I essentially just overthink the whole process and […]

How to pick a profitable niche for your creative business

ange ingabire

KINDLY SHARE THIS POST BROWSE CATEGORIES: ONLINE BUSINESS CREATIVE POTENTIAL FAITH & GROWTH money A business niche refers to a specialized segment of the market that caters to a specific kind of product or service.  It involves targeting a distinct, well-defined group of customers with unique needs, preferences, and characteristics. Niche markets are often characterized […]

Turn your passion into profit with the Creative Startup Suite

How to monetize your passions: 7 Ways to make money online doing what you love

KINDLY SHARE THIS POST BROWSE CATEGORIES: ONLINE BUSINESS CREATIVE POTENTIAL FAITH & GROWTH money I am sure you have imagined what it would be like to start a brand that will provide you with the personal and financial freedom that you so crave, working on something that you are passionate about getting paid for the […]

8 Things I wish I knew before I started my business

Things i wish i knew before i started my business

KINDLY SHARE THIS POST BROWSE CATEGORIES: ONLINE BUSINESS CREATIVE POTENTIAL FAITH & GROWTH money When I launched my nail polish brand almost eight years ago, I was so excited about the prospect of creating something but I was also very new to the e-commerce space and business in general so I quickly caught with the […]